Teemo Jungle Guide: Ultimate Strategy to Dominate Season 15
Clear Path and Starting Tips
Start red buff with "E" for optimal clear speed. Your "E" poison damage is crucial for jungle clearing efficiency.
Core Build Path
- Red Smite (for added slow on Q)
- Nashor's Tooth (essential first item)
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Liandry's Torment
- Malignance
Best Runes
- Precision:
- Press the Attack (main keystone)
- [Rest of precision runes]
- Inspiration:
- Magical Footwear
- Cosmic Insight
Skill Order Priority
- E (max first for clear speed)
- Q (blind + damage)
- W (mobility)
Situational Items
- Shadowflame
- Crypbloom
- Zhonya's Hourglass
Key Strategy Notes
- PTA is superior to Dark Harvest for early game strength
- Combine Q's range with red smite slow for better engagement
- Mushrooms synergize well with Liandry's and Malignance
- Focus on utility items over raw AP (skip Rabadon's until full build)
- Your E + Nashor's Tooth combo provides strong early dueling
Counter-Jungle Tips
- Use mushrooms to track enemy jungler
- Prioritize objective control with strategic mushroom placement
- Leverage your speed to escape unfavorable situations
The build emphasizes consistent damage output and utility over burst potential, making Teemo a surprisingly effective jungler who can control objectives and provide reliable team support.
[Note: Original images would be inserted here with proper markdown formatting if provided in the original content]
Remember: Your strength comes from map control and consistent damage output rather than burst potential. Use mushrooms strategically for vision and objective control.
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