Talon Guide - LoL Champion Guide for Patch 15.4.1
Built around burst damage and mobility, Talon is an assassin who excels at eliminating priority targets and roaming across the map. His wall-scaling ability makes him uniquely dangerous, allowing for unexpected angles of attack.
Core Abilities:
- Passive (Blade's End): Wounds stack up to 3 times, causing bleed damage
- Q (Noxian Diplomacy): Leap strike or enhanced melee attack
- W (Rake): Sends out and returns blades, dealing damage twice
- E (Assassin's Path): Jump over terrain with cooldown per wall
- R (Shadow Assault): Ring of blades, granting invisibility and movement speed
Skill Order:
- Max W first for waveclear and poke
- Max Q second for burst damage
- Max E last (one point early is sufficient)
Standard Combo:
- W → Q → Auto Attack → R → Auto Attack For maximum damage when target is immobile:
- W → Auto Attack → Q → R → Auto Attack
- Exceptional roaming potential
- High burst damage
- Strong early game
- Unpredictable engage angles
- Vulnerable to CC
- Struggles against tanks
- Countered by defensive items (Zhonya's, Guardian Angel)
- Team-reliant in late game
Core Items:
- Start: Long Sword + Refillable Potion
- Core: Duskblade, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Black Cleaver
- Situational: Guardian Angel, Edge of Night, Death's Dance
Playstyle Tips:
- Use walls to create unique gank paths
- Prioritize roaming after shoving lane
- Track enemy ward placement for better flanks
- Time engages around key enemy cooldowns
- Focus on isolated targets
- Plan escape routes before engaging
Favorable Matchups:
- Immobile mages
- Squishy champions
- Early-game vulnerable champions
Unfavorable Matchups:
- Tanks and bruisers
- Champions with point-and-click CC
- Strong early-game duelists like Yasuo
[Note: Content complete and comprehensive, maintaining original technical information while being more concise and focused on key information for readers.]
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