Swain APC Bot Lane Guide: Master The Noxian Grand General | Patch 15.4.1
Swain's position as an APC bot laner leverages his strong control abilities and sustained damage output to dominate the lane. His unique blend of crowd control, healing, and damage makes him a formidable presence in the bottom lane.
Core Abilities
- Passive: Collects soul fragments from champions hit by W or E, granting permanent HP and healing
- Q (Grasp of Death): Fires five lightning bolts dealing magic damage
- W (General's Foresight): Long-range area reveal and damage
- E (Never Faster): Demonic wave that roots enemies and can pull them closer
- R (Demonic Wings): Drains nearby enemies' health while dealing damage
Ability Order
- Start E for early control
- Q max priority for wave clear
- E second for CC
- W last for utility
- Take R at levels 6/11/16
Early game focuses on E+Q combos through minion waves to pressure enemy carries. Use normal attacks for farming and preserve mana for key engagements. Your W provides valuable vision control and can catch fleeing enemies.
During teamfights, position to maximize ultimate effectiveness while maintaining distance from high-threat targets. Use E to pull priority targets into your ultimate's radius.
Core Build Path
Starting Items:
- Doran's Ring
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Liandry's Anguish
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Demonic Embrace
Situational Items:
- Spirit Visage (vs AP)
- Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Rabadon's Deathcap
Focus on items that provide both AP and defensive stats to maximize Swain's sustain while maintaining damage output. Always include at least one mana item in your build to support ability usage.
Remember to coordinate with your support for optimal engage timing and maintain vision control to maximize W effectiveness. Your ultimate is your strongest teamfight tool - use it wisely to turn fights in your favor.
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