Sona Champion Guide: Master the Ultimate Support Enchanter
Abilities Overview
Passive: Power Chord - After 3 ability casts, Sona's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage and has an additional effect based on her last used ability.
Q - Hymn of Valor
- Active: Fires two bolts at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions
- Passive: Empowers nearby allies' next auto attack
- Power Chord Effect: Deals increased damage
W - Aria of Perseverance
- Active: Heals Sona and the most injured nearby ally
- Passive: Shields nearby allies
- Power Chord Effect: Reduces target's damage output
E - Song of Celerity
- Active: Grants movement speed to Sona
- Passive: Shares speed boost with nearby allies
- Power Chord Effect: Slows target enemy
R - Crescendo
- Ultimate ability that stuns enemies and forces them to dance
- Cooldown reduces with Accelerando stacks (gained from hitting champions with Q and healing allies with W)
Skill Priority
- W (Aria of Perseverance)
- Q (Hymn of Valor)
- E (Song of Celerity)
- R (Crescendo) at levels 6, 11, and 16
Core Build Path
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Moonstone Renewer
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Staff of Flowing Water
- Chemtech Putrifier (vs healing)
- Ardent Censer
Situational Items:
- Redemption
- Mikael's Blessing
- Shurelya's Battlesong
Gameplay Tips:
- Focus on positioning safely to maximize aura effects
- Weave auto attacks between abilities to proc Power Chord
- Time W shields before incoming damage
- Use E to rotate to objectives and escape ganks
- Save R for teamfight initiation or disengage
Enchanter playstyle focusing on:
- Sustain through heals and shields
- Team-wide buff application
- Utility through movement speed and CC
- Poke damage in lane phase
Best suited for players who enjoy:
- Supporting from backline
- Managing multiple auras
- Team-oriented gameplay
- Scaling into late game
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