Smolder·Bot: Complete ADC Guide and Power Spikes
A versatile ADC champion that scales with early aggression through Q stacks. Success depends heavily on early game performance and proper positioning.
Early Game:
- Rush level 2 for early trades
- Farm consistently while looking for trades when enemy abilities are on cooldown
- Q gains power through damaging enemies and securing kills
- Stay close to your Support for protection
- Use E carefully as you're vulnerable when it's on cooldown
Mid Game:
- Rotate to mid after taking bot tower
- Stay grouped with at least one ally
- Look for picks with Support/Jungler
- Position safely behind frontline
- Save Ultimate for optimal moments in team fights
Late Game:
- Maintain proper positioning in teamfights
- Focus nearest enemy champion
- Stay with team to avoid getting picked off
- Maximize damage output from fully upgraded Q
- Utilize enhanced Ultimate damage (level 16)
Power Spikes:
- Level 3: Access to all basic abilities
- Level 4: Two points in first ability
- Level 6: Ultimate unlock
- Level 9: Q maxed out
- Level 11: Ultimate enhancement
- Late game: Fully upgraded Q + item completion
Key Tips:
- Early lead accelerates Q upgrades
- Coordinate with Support for lane dominance
- Use E (mobility) strategically
- Position safely in teamfights
- Group with team for objectives
Counter Matchups:
Average: [Champion images here]
Hard: [Champion images here]
Playing against Smolder is most effective when:
- Capitalizing when E is on cooldown
- Denying early kills to slow Q stacking
- Forcing fights when isolated from Support
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