Smolder LOL Build Guide: Best Runes, Items & Matchups
Let's optimize Smolder's build guide for the featured snippet:
Smolder Bot builds for Patch 15.4 with detailed stats and matchup information.
Most Popular Build (50.8% WR, 1,134 matches)
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Barrier
- Runes: Fleet Footwork, Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste, Coup de Grace
- Secondary: Gathering Storm, Transcendence
- Core Items: Essence Reaver → Ionian Boots → Spear of Shojin
- Full Build: Add Rapid Firecannon → Lord Dominik's Regards → Bloodthirster
- Skill Order: Q > W > E
Counter Matchups Strong Against:
- Kai'Sa (54.5% WR)
- Mel (53.4% WR)
- Kalista (52.5% WR)
Weak Against:
- Kog'Maw (32.4% WR)
- Nilah (36.4% WR)
- Aphelios/Yasuo (38.9% WR)
Pro Tips
- Conserve W usage when enemy CC is available
- Secure level 2 advantage for early trading
- Maximize Passive stacks for early Q upgrades
Alternative Builds
High-Poke Build (48.7% WR)
- Keystone: Arcane Comet
- Core: Essence Reaver → Boots of Swiftness → Spear of Shojin
Trinity Force Build (42.9% WR)
- Core: Trinity Force → Ionian Boots → Manamune
Off-Meta Build (53.4% WR)
- Keystone: Press the Attack
- Core: Essence Reaver → Boots of Swiftness → Infinity Edge
Best Support Synergies
- Nami (52.1% WR)
- Thresh (49.3% WR)
- Karma (47.6% WR)
Situational Items Adjust build based on matchup:
- Heavy AP: Consider Magic Resist rune shard
- Heavy AD: Consider Armor rune shard
- High-burst: Consider defensive items earlier
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