Skarner Champion Guide: Best Runes, Builds & Strategy for Patch 14.16.1
Skarner is a powerful jungle champion who excels at initiation and crowd control. His kit allows him to effectively lock down and isolate key targets while maintaining strong durability.
Abilities Priority:
- Q (Crystal Slash) - Max first, primary damage source and jungle clear
- W (Crystalline Exoskeleton) - Max second, provides shield and mobility
- E (Fracture) - Take at level 2 for CC, max last
- R (Impale) - Take at all available levels
Optimal Runes:
- Primary: Determination
- Secondary: Inspiration
Core Build Path:
- Starting Items:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
- Core Items:
- Turbo Chemtank
- Plated Steelcaps
- Dead Man's Plate
- Situational Items:
- Force of Nature (vs AP)
- Randuin's Omen (vs AD/Crit)
- Thornmail (vs Healing)
Key Strengths:
- Excellent target lockdown with E stun and R suppress
- Strong objective control
- High durability with W shield
- Reliable engage potential
Gameplay Tips:
- Use spires in your jungle to gain movement and attack speed
- Lead with E to apply slow before engaging
- Save ultimate for priority targets in teamfights
- Focus on securing objectives with strong single target damage
- Build tanky to maximize survivability when diving backline
Early Game:
- Start Q for fastest clear speed
- Path towards objectives and gank opportunities
- Look for picks with E + R combo
- Counter-jungle when spires are active
Late Game:
- Focus on peeling for carries or engaging on priority targets
- Use ultimate to create pick opportunities
- Position to maximize spire bonuses in jungle fights
- Build defensive items to stay relevant in extended fights
Skarner performs best when played as a tanky initiator who can both protect allies and threaten enemy carries. His unique ability to suppress and reposition targets makes him especially effective at creating advantages for his team.