Sett Top Lane Runes Guide Season 15 - 51.6% Win Rate Build
Sett Top Lane Runes Guide - Patch 15.3
Optimal Rune Setup Primary: Precision Secondary: Resolve Win Rate: 51.6% (based on 48,775 matches) Pick Rate: 82.4%
Best Matchups
- Tahm Kench (59.3% WR)
- Sylas (59.0% WR)
- Yasuo (57.1% WR)
- Jayce (55.3% WR)
- Irelia (55.1% WR)
- Gwen (54.8% WR)
Challenging Matchups
- Warwick (45.1% WR)
- Vayne (45.4% WR)
- Singed (46.1% WR)
- Riven (47.5% WR)
- Urgot (47.6% WR)
- Malphite (47.7% WR)
Best Jungle Synergies
- Ivern (54.4% WR)
- Udyr (54.2% WR)
- Jarvan IV (53.9% WR)
- Rek'Sai (53.9% WR)
- Diana (53.6% WR)
- Fiddlesticks (53.5% WR)
Essential Tips
- Auto-attack before using Q to maximize damage (Q acts as an auto-reset)
- Use E between enemy champion and minions for guaranteed stun
- Time W during trades for optimal shield and damage value, not at the beginning or end
Recommended Runes Primary (Precision):
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Last Stand
Secondary (Resolve):
- Shield Bash
- Second Wind
These runes offer the best balance of sustained damage, survivability, and lane presence for Sett's playstyle.
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