Sett Support Guide: Dominate the Bottom Lane as a Tank Engage Support
The Boss takes the Support role - unleashing powerful engage potential and unmatched durability in the bot lane.
Sett excels against engage supports and melee champions, utilizing his tankiness and crowd control to dominate fights. However, he struggles against ranged poke champions who can keep him at a distance.
Core Abilities and Combos:
- Passive "Pit Grit": Enhanced auto attacks and increased health regeneration at low HP
- W "Haymaker": Absorbs damage to create a shield and deals true damage
- E "Facebreaker": Pulls and stuns enemies caught between Sett and another unit
- R "The Show Stopper": Suppresses and slams an enemy champion, dealing AoE damage
Key engage combo: E (Facebreaker) → W (Haymaker) for reliable CC and burst damage.
Skill Order Priority: E > W > Q
Optimal Summoner Spells: Flash + Ignite
Core Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Evenshroud
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
- Dead Man's Plate
- Force of Nature
Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD/healing)
- Randuin's Omen (vs crit)
- Frozen Heart (vs attack speed)
Laning Phase Tips:
- Look for level 2 all-ins with E + W combo
- Position aggressively to zone enemies from CS
- Save E for guaranteed stuns using minions
- Roam mid after pushing waves
- Coordinate engages with your ADC
Teamfight Strategy:
- Look for flank opportunities
- Use R on frontline tanks for maximum AoE impact
- Follow up with E + W combo on grouped enemies
- Peel for carries when needed
- Time W shield to absorb burst damage
Sett support thrives as an aggressive engage tank, using his durability and CC to create opportunities for his team while being nearly impossible to take down.
[Note: The original included no images, so none were preserved per instructions. The content has been completely rewritten to be more concise and valuable while maintaining all key information.]
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