Senna AD Build: The Updated Champion Support Guide
Senna AD Build Support Guide
Senna's AD build excels in solo queue, offering strong carry potential while maintaining support utility. This guide focuses on maximizing her unique soul-collecting mechanic and damage output.
Soul Collection Mechanics:
- Minions and monsters can drop souls when dying near Senna
- Lower soul drop rate when Senna last-hits
- Cannon minions and large monsters guarantee soul drops (if not last-hit)
- Epic monsters drop two souls
- Champions drop souls on death
- Two hits on enemy champions generate a soul (cooldown per champion)
Soul Benefits:
- +0.75 AD per soul
- +20 range and 8% crit chance per 20 souls
- Converts excess crit chance to lifesteal after 100%
Core Combos:
- Trading: AA -> Q -> AA
- All-in: W -> AA -> Q -> AA
Skill Order: Q > W > E Always max Q first, then W, and E last. Take W level 1 only for invades.
Starting Items:
- Spectral Sickle
- 2 Health Potions
Core Build:
- Eclipse
- Rapid Firecannon
- Infinity Edge
Situational Items:
- Lord Dominik's Regards (vs tanks)
- Serylda's Grudge (vs mobility)
- Black Cleaver (vs armor stacking)
- Guardian Angel (vs assassins)
- Mortal Reminder (vs healing)
Key Tips:
- Avoid last-hitting minions to maximize soul collection
- Use Q through allies/wards to harass enemies at long range
- Track map for cross-map ultimate opportunities
- Maintain safe positioning while collecting souls
- Prioritize poking with auto-attacks to reduce Q cooldown
- Don't share cannon minions with support item charges
Lane Strategy:
- Focus on harassing enemies while collecting souls
- Stay behind minions to avoid enemy engage
- Use W defensively against dive attempts
- Coordinate with ADC for maximum trading potential
This AD build enables Senna to scale effectively while maintaining support utility. Adapt your itemization based on enemy team composition and game state.
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