Samira: The Complete Champion Guide for Season 15
Samira is a versatile marksman who excels in close-quarters combat and explosive damage output, combining ranged and melee attacks through her unique Desert Rose fighting style.
Passive - Daredevil Impulse
- Builds stacks (E→D→C→B→A→S) through unique attacks and abilities
- Melee attacks within 200 range deal bonus magic damage
- Can dash to immobilized enemies, extending CC duration by 0.5 seconds
Q - Flair
- Long range: Fires a shot dealing physical damage
- Close range: Slashes in a cone, dealing physical and bonus magic damage
- Can critically strike and applies lifesteal
- Combos with other abilities
W - Blade Whirl
- Performs two sword slashes over 0.75 seconds
- Destroys incoming enemy projectiles (except tower shots)
- Deals physical damage to nearby enemies
- Cannot be used during ultimate
E - Wild Rush
- Dashes through target enemy or minion
- Deals magic damage and grants attack speed
- Cooldown resets on champion takedowns
- Can be combined with Q for burst damage
Q - Infernal Trigger (Ultimate)
- Requires S rank to activate
- Fires 10 shots over 2 seconds
- Hits all enemies in range
- Self-slows by 25%
- Deals reduced damage to minions
Optimal Skill Order
- E (Level 1)
- W (Level 2)
- Q (Level 3)
- Max Q > E > W
Core Runes
- Primary (Precision): Conqueror, Triumph, Bloodline, Last Stand
- Secondary (Domination): Taste of Blood, Treasure Hunter
Build Path Focus
- Core stats: AD, Attack Speed, Crit
- Later needs: Armor Penetration, Lifesteal
- Reaches full potential with 4+ items
This explosive champion excels with support champions who can provide crowd control, allowing her to maximize her passive's CC extension and create opportunities for all-in engages.
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