Pro Maokai Top Guide: Dominating the Lane with League's Twisted Treant
Maokai is a powerful supertank with strong crowd control abilities and excellent team fight potential. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to play him effectively:
Core Strengths:
- Strong CC abilities and frontline presence
- Ultimate (R) enables long-range engages
- Excellent vision control with Sapling Toss (E)
- Strong peeling capabilities for carries
Early Game Strategy:
- Play conservatively in the first few levels
- Keep minion waves close to your tower
- Use brush control and E for lane presence
- Be careful against ranged matchups
Mid Game Approach:
- Split push when Ultimate is on cooldown
- Group with team when Ultimate is available
- Look for picks using R from unexpected angles
- Focus on securing side objectives
Late Game Power:
- Utilize shorter R cooldown for catch potential
- Peel for carries in team fights
- Tank damage while disrupting enemy backline
- Capitalize on CC chains with your team
Key Tips:
- Use E for brush control and vision
- Combine E slow with W for guaranteed CC
- Wait for key items before aggressive plays
- Position Ultimate strategically near walls
- Focus on extended trades once you have items
Common Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable early game
- Countered by Grievous Wounds
- Requires good vision control to be effective
- Dependent on team follow-up
Team Fight Role:
- Initiate fights with Ultimate
- Disrupt enemy backline
- Protect carries with peeling abilities
- Sustain through fights with passive healing
Build Priorities:
- Focus on tank items early
- Build according to enemy damage types
- Consider utility items for team support
With proper positioning and timing, Maokai can be an extremely effective tank that both initiates fights and protects carries while being difficult to kill in team fights.
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