Poppy Support Guide: Complete Champion Strategy for Season 14
Iron Bulwark is the keystone rune for Poppy Support, providing essential tankiness and sustain. Pair it with Font of Life for enhanced team healing and Bone Plating for trade survivability.
In lane, Poppy excels at disrupting engage attempts and punishing positioning errors. Her Q deals significant damage while slowing enemies, making it her primary maxing priority. The E-Q combo into a wall is your main damage threat, capable of chunking enemies for significant health.

Man wearing glasses
Core items focus on tank support items that benefit both Poppy and her team:
- Steel Shoulderguards (Starting item)
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Dead Man's Plate
- Force of Nature
Ability order:
- Q - Hammer Shock
- W or E (situational)
- R - Keeper's Verdict
Early game skill priority depends on matchups:
- Level 1: Q for pushing and poke
- Level 2: E vs immobile targets, W vs dash-heavy champions
- Level 3: Take remaining ability
Laning strategy:
- Position near walls to threaten E stuns
- Use W reactively against engage attempts
- Roam mid when lane is pushed
- Save R for disengage or isolating priority targets
Key strengths:
- Strong anti-engage tool with W
- High damage with wall stun combos
- Excellent roaming potential
- Versatile ultimate for teamfights
Poppy Support works best with aggressive ADCs who can follow up on her engages. Focus on protecting your carry early while looking for opportunities to punish positioning mistakes with wall stuns.
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