Phasmophobia Ouija Board Guide: How to Use and Survive
The Ouija Board is a powerful Cursed Possession in Phasmophobia that allows direct communication with ghosts. Here's everything you need to know about using it effectively and safely.
Ouija board at Camp Woodwind
Finding the Ouija Board:
- Spawns with a 1/7 chance on regular contracts
- Fixed locations on each map
- Spawn rates vary in challenge modes
Ouija board on washer and dryer
How to Use:
- Pick up the board with an empty inventory slot
- Press the Use button (check Controls in Options for binding)
- Wait for the planchette to appear
- Choose between voice chat or text-based UI in Options
- Ask valid questions or select from preset options
Glowing Ouija board in Phasmophobia game
Important Safety Tips:
- Always say "Goodbye" or select the Goodbye option when finished
- Maintain sufficient sanity levels
- Stay within 5 meters of the board while active
- Avoid Hide and Seek questions unless prepared for a hunt
Lit Ouija board in Phasmophobia game
Cursed Hunt Triggers:
- Leaving the board without saying goodbye
- Insufficient sanity for questions
- Asking Hide and Seek questions
- Breaking the board (take a photo for extra money)
Most Valuable Questions:
- Location-based questions provide the most useful information
- Sanity and Bone questions can be helpful when needed
- Choose questions strategically to conserve sanity
[Rest of images retained in original order]