Pantheon Top Lane | Complete Champion Guide Patch 15.4.1
Pantheon excels as an aggressive top lane champion known for his strong early game presence and map-wide impact. His playstyle combines burst damage with tactical positioning, making him a formidable opponent in both lane and team fights.
Core Abilities Focus:
- Q (Comet Spear): Primary damage tool and poke ability
- W (Shield Leap): Targeted stun for engage
- E (Aegis Rush): Defensive tool and damage
- R (Grand Starfall): Map-wide mobility and engage
Skill Order Priority:
- Q - Comet Spear (Max first)
- E - Aegis Rush (Max second generally)
- W - Shield Leap (Max second for OTP players)
- At level 3, consider double points in Q against weak laners
Early Game Strategy:
- Aggressive trades with Q poke
- Control wave position
- Look for W + empowered ability combos
- Coordinate with jungler for early kills
Build Path: Starting Items:
- Long Sword + Refillable Potion
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
Core Items:
- Eclipse/Divine Sunderer (Mythic)
- Black Cleaver
- Death's Dance
Situational Items:
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (late game)
- Edge of Night (vs CC)
Combat Tips:
- Use empowered abilities strategically
- Time E to block major damage
- Save R for objectives or side lane pressure
- Position aggressively in early levels
Teamfight Role:
- Primary initiator
- Target priority: Backline squishies
- Use E to survive focus
- Create space for team follow-up
Lane Management:
- Freeze near tower when ahead
- Push and roam post-6
- Track enemy jungler position
- Maintain vision control
Late Game Focus:
- Split push pressure
- Flank enemy backline
- Objective control
- Pick off isolated targets
Remember that Pantheon's strength peaks in early to mid-game, so capitalize on this window to create advantages for your team.
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