Pantheon Support Guide: Master the Spartan's Bottom Lane Dominance
A strong early-game champion, Pantheon Support excels at aggressive playstyles and roaming potential. His semi-global ultimate and strong lane presence make him an excellent choice for players looking to impact multiple lanes.
Core Abilities Strategy
The optimal ability sequence is Q > W > E. Start with W at level 1 for strong lane presence.
Pantheon's passive allows him to stack up to 5 charges through auto-attacks and abilities. When maxed, his next ability becomes empowered.
Key Ability Combos
- Standard Burst Combo:
- Empowered W > Triple Auto > Tap Q > Auto > Empowered E
- Damage-focused Combo (Safe Situation):
- Empowered W > Triple Auto > Tap Q > Autos > Q
- Three-Stack Start:
- W > Autos > Empowered Q
- Four-Stack Start:
- W > Empowered Q > Autos
Ability Usage Tips
- Tap Q is preferred over charged Q in 95% of situations (faster cooldown, consistent damage)
- Empowered W provides triple auto-attack, instantly returning 3 stacks
- Use E defensively to block incoming damage from the shield's direction
- Below 20% enemy HP, prioritize empowered Q for critical strike damage
Item Build
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- Health Potions
Core Items:
- Eclipse
- Black Cleaver
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
Situational Items:
- Death's Dance
- Maw of Malmortius
- Guardian Angel
Combat Guidelines
- Prioritize empowered W for Press the Attack proc and quick stack regeneration
- Save E as defensive tool against high-threat situations
- Use empowered abilities based on situation:
- Aggressive: Empower Q or W
- Defensive: Empower E

Man wearing glasses
Author's Note Guide by Julian "Xioh" Dumler, professional League of Legends player, streamer, and head coach.
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