Pantheon Support: Best Counters & How To Beat Him
Strong Pantheon Counters & How to Counter Pantheon
Pantheon is a highly aggressive support champion who excels at early game dominance. Here's how to effectively counter him:
Best Counter Picks:
- Taric - Strong defensive abilities neutralize Pantheon's burst
- Poppy - Can block Pantheon's engage with W
- Rakan - Mobility helps avoid Pantheon's targeted stun
- Milio - Healing and shields counter Pantheon's burst damage
- Janna - Disengage tools prevent Pantheon's all-ins
Laning Phase Tips:
- Respect his level 1-2 power spike and avoid overextending
- Poke from safe distance but don't overcommit
- Exploit his weak level 6 in 2v2 fights (his ultimate provides limited combat value)
- Keep minions between you and Pantheon to block his W stun
Mid-Late Game Strategy:
- Watch for roams and ambushes - Pantheon excels at picking off isolated targets
- After he uses E (shield), punish his exposed position
- Maintain high health to prevent aggressive plays
- Group with team to prevent solo picks
Key Power Spikes to Watch:
- Level 1-2: Extremely strong early game presence
- Level 6: Strong roaming potential but weak in 2v2 fights
- W cooldown: Play safer when his stun is available
Champion Difficulty vs Pantheon:
- Severe: Sona, Swain, Zoe
- Average: Renata Glasc, Senna, Braum, Nami, Alistar
- Hard: Xerath, Nautilus
Remember to maintain proper vision control and coordinate with your jungler to punish Pantheon's aggressive positioning. Focus on surviving the early game, as his effectiveness decreases in later stages.
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