Palworld Meowmere Guide: How to Unlock and Craft the Terraria Crossover Sword
Meowmere is a unique bullet-firing melee weapon in Palworld, introduced through a collaboration with Terraria. With an attack power of 200, it shoots cat projectiles accompanied by meowing sounds, allowing players to engage enemies from a safe distance.
Requirements to Obtain Meowmere:
- Technology level 30
- 2 Ancient Technology Points (from Ancient Technology tree)
Crafting Materials Needed:
- 22 Ingot
- 22 Paldium Fragment
- 22 Coal
- 3 Predator Core
Resource Collection Tips:
- Ingots: Refine from Ore at a Furnace
- Paldium Fragments: Mine or craft at the Crusher
- Coal: Found in northern map locations or build a Coal Mine
- Predator Cores: Drop from Predator Pals (new powerful enemies from Feybreak Update)

Axe-wielding cat warrior guards mountain

Meowmere sword in Palworld game

Colorful creatures in nighttime village
[Additional images retained as per instructions]
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