Orianna Support: Best Counter Picks and Matchups Guide

Orianna Support: Best Counter Picks and Matchups Guide

By Marcus Chen

February 11, 2025 at 07:19 PM

Orianna Support Counter Guide

Zyra, Morgana, Leona, and Vel'Koz are strong picks against Orianna due to their ability to counter her poke and punish her positioning.

Laning Phase Tips:

  • Engage aggressively when Orianna's Ball is far from her position
  • Maintain distance from her Ball's location to avoid damage
  • Post-level 6, position separately from your ADC to prevent multi-target Ultimate (R) hits
  • Focus on early trades as Orianna is weakest in the early game

Strategic Counters:

  • Avoid clustering in tight spaces (jungle, objectives, towers) where her Ultimate is most effective
  • Maintain spread positioning in teamfights to minimize Ultimate impact
  • Disengage quickly when enemy frontline carries Orianna's Ball (E)
  • Watch for power spikes at level 4 and first Mythic item completion

Best Support Counters:

  1. Janna - Strong disengage and shield protection
  2. Rell - Excellent engage potential and tankiness
  3. Braum - Shield blocks Ball damage, strong all-in potential
  4. Vel'Koz - Outranges and outdamages Orianna
  5. Zyra - Provides counter-poke and zone control

Late Game Considerations:

  • Focus on vision control to prevent surprise Ultimate engages
  • Position defensively during objective contests
  • Coordinate with team to engage after Orianna uses key abilities
  • Build defensive items to survive burst damage

Remember to communicate Ball position with your team and maintain proper spacing throughout all game phases.

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