Nidalee Champion Guide: Master the Huntress in Season 14
Nidalee is a high-skill-cap assassin jungler known for her strong early and mid-game presence. As a shapeshifter, she alternates between human and cougar forms, each with unique abilities that require mastery of both mechanics and timing.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional burst damage
- High mobility across the map
- Strong early game dueling
- Snowball potential
- Meta-resistant effectiveness
Key Weaknesses:
- No crowd control
- Squishy build
- Heavily reliant on landing skillshots
- Weak late game scaling
- Difficult mechanical execution
Abilities Overview:
Passive - Prowl:
- Gains 10% movement speed in brush
- 30% speed boost when moving toward visible enemies
- Marks targets hit by human Q or W, granting vision and enhanced cougar abilities
Q Ability (Max First): Human: Javelin Toss - Long-range spear that deals more damage at distance Cougar: Takedown - Enhanced auto attack with execute damage
W Ability (Max Last): Human: Bushwhack - Places vision-granting trap Cougar: Pounce - Directional leap with damage
E Ability (Max Second): Human: Primal Surge - Heal and attack speed buff Cougar: Swipe - Area damage slash
R Ability - Aspect of the Cougar:
- Transforms between human and cougar forms
- 3-second cooldown between transformations
Standard Burst Combo: Human Q > R > Cougar W > E > Auto Attack > Q
Optimal Matchups:
- Strong against carry junglers (Lee Sin, Nocturne, Viego)
- Excels at invading and controlling enemy jungle
Challenging Matchups:
- Struggles against heavy CC (Rammus, Sejuani)
- Weak to duelists with lockdown (Rek'Sai)
Build Path:
- Focus on AP items
- Prioritize ability haste
- Include magic penetration in mid-game
- Maintain squishy but high-damage build
Tips for Success:
- Maintain aggressive early game presence
- Focus on objective control
- Practice mechanical execution
- Track enemy jungler for counter-ganks
- Capitalize on early advantages
Nidalee requires significant practice and game knowledge but rewards mastery with strong carry potential and consistent performance across various metas.