Neeko Support Counter Guide: Best & Worst Matchups
Neeko is a burst damage support champion who excels at crowd control and team fight initiation. Here's how to effectively counter her in the support role:
Strong Counters vs Neeko Support:
- Zilean: Can negate burst damage and disengage easily
- Poppy: Blocks Neeko's engage attempts
- Sona: Sustain and movement speed help avoid combos
- Zyra: Outranges and controls space effectively
- Janna: Strong disengage against Neeko's ultimate
Laning Phase Tips:
- Position away from minion waves to avoid extended root duration from her E
- Stay at maximum range to avoid her burst combo
- Back off when her ultimate is available
- Watch your health - she can 100-0 squishier champions
- Maintain vision control to prevent surprise engages
Team Fight Counter Strategy:
- Spread out to minimize ultimate impact
- Disengage immediately when she moves forward aggressively
- Ward flanks and bushes to prevent sneaky engages using her passive
- Build MR items early if falling behind
- Track her passive ability - she may disguise as allies
Key Power Spike Windows:
- Level 2: Q+E combo becomes available
- Level 6: Ultimate adds significant kill pressure
- Item completions: Watch for Rocketbelt or Everfrost
Weak Matchups vs Neeko:
- Low mobility champions
- Squishy enchanters without reliable disengage
- Champions that must group tightly
- Teams lacking vision control
Build effective vision control and maintain proper positioning to minimize her engage opportunities while exploiting her relatively long cooldowns between combos.
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