Neeko Support: Complete Guide to Dominating Bot Lane
A versatile support champion, Neeko excels in team fights and lane harassment through her strong CC abilities and deceptive gameplay mechanics.
- Powerful lane presence with Q and E poke abilities
- Game-changing Ultimate (R) for team fights and surprise engages
- Excellent roaming potential with W and Passive disguise
- Strong CC chain potential for ganks and picks
- Accidentally steals ADC farm due to AOE abilities
- Highly susceptible to focused damage when caught
- Effectiveness reduced by proper enemy vision control
- Weak early game if abilities are telegraphed
Early Game Tips:
- Utilize brush control for ability casting
- Avoid pushing wave while poking
- Land E through minions for extended range
- Manage mana efficiently with Lost Chapter
Mid Game Strategy:
- Roam for picks using disguise mechanics
- Coordinate with jungler for ambushes
- Complete warding quest for vision control
- Use Ultimate R for team fight initiation
Late Game Approach:
- Only engage with Ultimate R available
- Look for isolated targets
- Peel for carries using E and Q
- Focus on vision control and flank positions
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Ultimate R acquisition
- Support item completion
- Core item completion
Team Fighting:
- Position for optimal Ultimate R engagement
- Chain CC with E into R
- Protect carries with peeling abilities
- Use disguise mechanics for surprise engages
Lane Phase Focus:
- Harass safely from brush
- Control wave position
- Coordinate with ADC for farm
- Set up vision for jungler ganks
Counter Difficulty Ratings:
- Average counter difficulty
- Several hard counter matchups exist
Remember to join Neeko main communities for advanced strategies and matchup discussions.