Nasus Champion Guide: Complete Top Lane Mastery for Patch 14.16.1
Nasus is a scaling top lane fighter who transforms into an unstoppable force through his unique ability to stack damage with Siphoning Strike (Q).
Key Strengths:
- Infinite scaling potential through Q stacks
- Strong split pusher and tower destroyer
- Excellent dueling potential in mid-late game
- Built-in sustain through passive lifesteal
Ability Priority:
- Q (Siphoning Strike) - Main damage source, stack this on minions
- W (Wither) - Crucial for catching targets
- E (Spirit Fire) - Wave clear and armor reduction
- R (Fury of the Sands) - Combat steroid and HP boost
Early Game Strategy:
- Focus on safely farming Q stacks
- Use E for ranged matchups or when under heavy pressure
- Take W at level 4-5 for defensive purposes
- Avoid unnecessary trades before first item
Core Build Path:
- Starting: Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- First Back: Sheen
- Core Items:
- Divine Sunderer/Trinity Force
- Dead Man's Plate
- Spirit Visage
Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD/healing)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Gargoyle Stoneplate (teamfight survival)
Key Tips:
- Aim for 150+ stacks by 15 minutes
- Use W to catch fleeing targets
- Split push when ultimate is available
- Focus on objectives after getting core items
- Play defensively early, scale into mid-game
Runes: Primary (Precision):
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
Secondary (Resolve):
- Conditioning
- Unflinching
Summoner Spells:
- Flash (mandatory)
- Teleport/Ghost (situational)
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