Most Effective The Hag Builds in Dead by Daylight

The Hag killer in Dead by Daylight
The Hag is a highly mobile killer in Dead by Daylight who excels at map control through her trap-based gameplay. Here's how to maximize her potential with the best builds for different stages of the game.
The Hag combines elements of The Trapper and The Nurse, utilizing strategic trap placement and teleportation abilities. Success relies on placing traps in high-traffic areas like generators, pallets, and common hiding spots.

Dark horror game title graphic
Early Game Build:
- Hex: Ruin
- Hex: Devour Hope
- Hex: Third Seal Add-ons: Dragonfly Wings, Willow Wreath

The Hag character in DbD
Mid-Game Build:
- Hex: Ruin
- Sloppy Butcher
- No One Escapes Death
- Bitter Murmur Add-ons: Rusty Shackles, Dried Cicada

Hag stalking prey in Dead by Daylight
Late-Game Build:
- Save the Best for Last
- Corrupt Intervention
- Coup de Grâce
- Make Your Choice Add-ons: Rusty Shackles, Teleport Range improvements

The Hag from Dead by Daylight
Toxic Build:
- Play With Your Food
- Save the Best for Last
- Fire Up
- Brutal Strength
This build creates an unexpectedly fast Hag that can catch survivors off-guard and prevent looping effectively.
[Remaining images retained as in original article]
Tips for Success:
- Monitor trap locations closely
- Anticipate survivor movements
- Use teleportation strategically
- Combine perks that complement your playstyle
- Adapt your strategy based on survivor behavior
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