Mordekaiser Top Build Guide: Best Items, Runes & Counters in Patch 15.4
Mordekaiser is a powerful top lane champion with multiple viable build paths, each optimized for different situations.
Core Build (54.1% Win Rate)
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Teleport
- First Items: Rylai's Crystal Scepter → Plated Steelcaps → Riftmaker
- Full Build: Add Liandry's Torment, Spirit Visage, Jak'Sho, The Protean
- Skill Order: Q > E > W
- Primary: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Haste, Last Stand
- Secondary: Bone Plating, Revitalize
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling
Strong Against (Win Rate)
- Malphite (56.0%)
- Illaoi (55.4%)
- Maokai (54.4%)
- Wukong (54.3%)
- Dr. Mundo (53.2%)
Weak Against (Win Rate)
- Cassiopeia (39.5%)
- Vayne (45.1%)
- Heimerdinger (45.2%)
- Singed (45.7%)
- Fiora (46.6%)
Key Tips
- Use Ultimate (R) on primary threats in teamfights
- Store W damage before trading to maximize shield potential
- Wait for ranged champions to use mobility skills before engaging with E
Alternative Build (55.4% Win Rate)
- Core Items: Riftmaker → Plated Steelcaps → Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Complete with: Liandry's Torment, Spirit Visage, Thornmail
- Same runes and skill order as core build
Best Synergies (Duo Queue)
- Master Yi (54.0%)
- Wukong (53.7%)
- Jarvan IV (53.4%)
- Kindred (53.4%)
- Darius (53.1%)
Adjust your build based on matchup and team composition. Consider defensive items against heavy AD or AP teams, and prioritize mobility items against kiting compositions.
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