Miss Fortune: Complete Champion Guide for Season 15
ABCs of Miss Fortune: Miss Fortune is a versatile botlane marksman who excels at poking and team fighting, making her effective across all skill levels.
- Passive (Love Tap): Deals bonus physical damage when attacking a new target
- Q (Double Up): Fires a shot that bounces to a target behind, dealing critical damage if the first target dies
- W (Strut): Gains movement speed when out of combat and attack speed when activated
- E (Make it Rain): Creates a slowing zone of bullets
- R (Bullet Time): Channels waves of bullets in a cone, dealing massive AoE damage
Core Mechanics:
- AA-Q-AA combo for optimal trading
- Use Q bounce through low HP minions to harass
- W allows quick rotations between lanes
- E slows enemies to land full R damage
- Position R carefully in teamfights for maximum impact
Skill Order:
- Start Q for early trading power
- Max Q > W > E
- Take R at 6/11/16
- Consider early E at level 3-4 for lane pressure
Optimal Build Path: Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Long Sword + Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Eclipse/Kraken Slayer (mythic choice)
- Berserker's Greaves
- Bloodthirster
- Infinity Edge
- Lord Dominik's Regards
Alternative Items:
- Collector for snowballing
- Guardian Angel for survival
- Mortal Reminder vs healing
- Youmuu's Ghostblade for mobility
Playstyle Tips:
- Use passive for optimal trading in lane
- Look for Q bounces through minions
- Maintain W movement speed for rotations
- Coordinate E slow into R for teamfights
- Position safely and use range advantage
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