Meki Pendant: The Lost League of Legends Item from Ancient Patches

Meki Pendant: The Lost League of Legends Item from Ancient Patches

By Marcus Chen

November 23, 2024 at 12:33 PM

The Meki Pendant was a basic item in League of Legends that was removed from the game in patch V1.0.0.152. It provided mana regeneration and was commonly purchased as a starting item for mana-dependent champions.

The item was particularly useful for mages and other champions who relied heavily on their abilities, often purchased alongside two Health Potions for optimal early-game sustenance.

According to the item's lore, the pendant contained a preserved extinct insect that emitted a green glow, providing energy that enhanced focus and concentration.

Notable Changes:

  • Served as a component for Tear of the Goddess
  • Removed from Tiamat's recipe before its ultimate removal
  • Its icon was later repurposed for Doran's Lost Idol

The Meki Pendant represented an important part of League of Legends' early itemization history, offering mana-dependent champions a viable starting option before being phased out during the game's evolution.

Patch History:

  • Final removal: V1.0.0.152
  • Added to Tear of the Goddess recipe
  • Removed from Tiamat recipe
  • Received bug fixes related to store functionality

Note: Its removal was part of League of Legends' ongoing item system updates and balance changes.

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