Maokai: The Ultimate Tank Champion Guide | Patch 15.4.1
Maokai is a vengeful tree giant who serves as a powerful tank champion, excelling in crowd control and team fights on Summoner's Rift.
Core Strengths:
- Multiple crowd control abilities (3 Hard CC, 1 Soft CC)
- Excellent team fight initiation and disengage
- Strong self-sustain through passive healing
- Beginner-friendly mechanics
Passive: Sap Magic Periodically empowers auto attacks to deal bonus damage and heal Maokai. Cooldown reduces when using or being hit by abilities.
Ability Order:
Q - Bramble Smash (Max First)
- Deals damage and slows enemies
- Can be Flash-buffered for surprise engages
- Primary damage source
W - Twisted Advance (Max Second)
- Root-based dash to target enemy
- Makes Maokai untargetable during dash
- Cannot be escaped once cast
E - Sapling Toss (Max Last)
- Throws a sapling that guards an area
- Deals increased damage in bushes
- Provides vision control
Ultimate: Nature's Grasp Creates a wave of roots that moves forward, rooting enemies hit. Root duration increases with travel distance.
Standard Combo: E → W → AA → Q → AA
Extended Combo with Ultimate: R → E → AA → W → AA → Q → AA
Strong Against:
- Long-fight champions (Sion, Tahm Kench, Cho'Gath)
- Team compositions lacking sustained damage
Weak Against:
- Lane bullies
- Tank shredders (Quinn, Gwen, Olaf)
- High mobility champions
Key Tips:
- Use saplings for bush control and vision
- Stack CC abilities for maximum impact
- Position ultimate carefully to avoid being blocked by enemy tanks
- Leverage passive healing in extended trades
- Build tanky items that complement self-healing abilities
Maokai excels as a reliable tank who can both initiate fights and protect allies, making him an excellent choice for team-oriented players and those learning the tank role.
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