Maokai Support: Top Counter Picks and Strategies
Maokai Counter Guide: Support Role
Strong Counters Against Maokai:
- Galio
- Tahm Kench
- Thresh
- Zilean
- Janna
Effective Laning Strategy
- Stay away from bottom lane bushes to avoid Sapling (E) damage
- Match or beat Maokai to level 2 to prevent all-in potential
- Maintain maximum range to prevent his Twisted Advance (W) engage
- Use ranged advantages to poke safely
Mid-Game Tactics
- Avoid jungle fights where Maokai's Ultimate is most effective
- Keep team grouped to prevent isolated picks with Twisted Advance (W)
- Ward side lanes to spot potential flanking attempts
- Split up when you see Nature's Grasp (R) to minimize CC impact
Key Power Spike Windows
Level 2: Maokai gains strong engage potential Level 3: Complete basic ability rotation becomes available Mid-game: Team fight presence increases with Ultimate
Advanced Counter Tips
- Control bush vision to negate Sapling effectiveness
- Position away from walls during sieges
- Maintain side wave control to limit flanking opportunities
- Focus on poking and disengaging rather than extended trades
Complementary Picks
- Long-range supports with disengage
- Mobile ADCs who can quickly reposition
- Champions with CC immunity or cleanse abilities
This strategic approach effectively neutralizes Maokai's primary engage tools while maximizing your team's advantages in both lane and team fights.
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