Maokai Jungle: A Complete Guide to Vision Control and Ganking
Maokai is a powerful jungler known for his strong ganking potential and crowd control abilities. Here's a comprehensive guide to mastering him in the jungle.
Early Game Strategy
- Start ganking at level 3 with W and Q for lockdown
- Place saplings (E) in jungle brushes for vision and enemy detection
- Strong early ganker due to point-and-click W and E slow combination
- Vulnerable to early invades due to weak 1v1 potential
Power Spikes
- Level 6 (Ultimate) is a major power spike for team fights
- First item completion increases survivability and damage output
- Level 9 with maxed first ability provides frequent damage opportunities

Maokai blue jungle clearing path
Mid Game Focus
- Look for picks with your team
- Coordinate with support for vision control
- Use Ultimate from fog of war for surprise engages
- Plant saplings strategically in brush for zone control
- Focus on peeling for carries during team fights
Late Game Strengths
- High tankiness with strong passive sustain
- Excellent team fight initiator
- Short Ultimate cooldown for frequent engages
- Strong pick potential with W and Q combo
- Effective backline diver with good survivability
Key Tips
- Use Ultimate from out of vision for maximum effectiveness
- Fight near choke points to maximize CC potential
- Don't engage without team follow-up
- Watch for enemy ward placement to avoid failed flanks
- Maintain brush control with strategic sapling placement
- Low damage output in 1v1 situations
- Vulnerable when W is used aggressively
- Requires team coordination for maximum effectiveness
- Can be countered by deep vision control
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