Lulu Support Guide: Master the Enchanting Yordle in Season 14
Lulu is a versatile enchanter support who excels at protecting and empowering allies while harassing enemies in lane. Her unique kit combines defensive utility with offensive capabilities, making her particularly effective when paired with attack damage carries.
Passive Ability: Pix, Fairy Companion
- Adds bonus magic damage to Lulu's basic attacks
- Damage is blocked by minions
- Interacts with other abilities
Core Abilities:
- Q (Glitter Lance): Fires two projectiles that slow and damage enemies
- W (Whimsy): Buffs allies with movement/attack speed or polymorphs enemies
- E (Help, Pix!): Shields allies or damages enemies, transfers Pix to target
- R (Wild Growth): Enlarges ally, grants bonus health, knocks up nearby enemies
Skill Order Priority:
- E (Help, Pix!)
- W (Whimsy)
- Q (Glitter Lance)
- R (Wild Growth) at levels 6/11/16
Optimal Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Core Items:
- Shurelya's Battlesong
- Ardent Censer
- Redemption
- Vigilant Wardstone
Situational Items:
- Chemtech Putrifier (vs. healing)
- Mikael's Blessing (vs. CC)
- Staff of Flowing Water (for AP allies)
Laning Phase Strategy:
- Harass with auto-attacks enhanced by Pix
- Use E-Q combo for safe poke
- Save W for engage or disengage
- Maintain vision control
- Coordinate with ADC for maximum effectiveness
Teamfight Approach:
- Stay behind frontline
- Prioritize protecting carry
- Use ultimate reactively to counter engages
- Chain CC with polymorphs
- Position Pix strategically for Q coverage
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