League of Legends Wiki: Viktor, The Machine Herald
Victor is a powerful ranged mage champion in League of Legends who can augment his abilities using Hex Core upgrades. Here's a comprehensive overview of his key abilities and gameplay mechanics:
Core Abilities:
- Glorious Evolution (Passive): Allows Viktor to augment basic abilities by collecting Hex Fragments from kills and takedowns
- Siphon Power (Q): Damages enemies and grants a shield, with an empowered auto-attack
- Gravity Field (W): Creates a slowing field that stuns enemies after 3 stacks
- Death Ray (E): Fires a laser beam dealing damage, can be augmented with delayed explosion
- Chaos Storm (R): Summons a movable storm dealing continuous damage
Key Mechanics:
- Hex Core Augments enhance abilities with unique effects
- Combines burst damage with sustained DPS
- Strong zone control through Gravity Field and Death Ray
- Ultimate provides both damage and battlefield control
- High damage output
- Strong waveclear
- Good zone control
- Scaling power through augments
- Immobile
- Skill-shot reliant
- Requires positioning
- Vulnerable to assassins
Viktor excels at controlling teamfights and dealing sustained magical damage while scaling well into late game through his unique augment system.

Viktor holding a glowing staff
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