League of Legends Wiki: A Guide to the Characters and Universe of LoL
Here's a concise, structured article about the Shuriman wildlife and Viktor:
Shuriman Wildlife inhabits the vast deserts and includes several notable species:
Brackern: Ancient crystalline creatures living in various clans throughout the Shuriman desert.
Dormun: Massive creatures with chitinous plates that can sense hidden water reservoirs. Nomadic tribes often build homes on their backs.
Eka'Sul: Desert goats that travel in herds.
Mwatis: Goat-like creatures with plated head casques, valued for their wool and plates.
Kmiros: Giant scarabs that hunt in swarms.
Outerbeasts: Void creatures including the Xer'Sai, with Rek'Sai being their queen. They rapidly decompose after death.
Ralsiji: Large, aggressive minotaur-like quadrupeds with humped backs and thick horns.
Shuriman Camels: Native desert camels used for transportation, though vulnerable to predators.
Sandswimmers: Large quadrupeds that travel under the sand in predictable patterns, feeding on small creatures.
Skallashi: Large quadrupedal herbivores with long legs, commonly used as beasts of burden. Often decorated with protective symbols and treated with reverence.
Viktor is a brilliant Zaunite inventor who transformed himself into a cyborg to pursue his "Glorious Evolution." Key aspects include:
- Early Life: Born in Zaun, showed early talent for invention
- Career: Studied at Piltover's academy, created Blitzcrank
- Evolution: Augmented himself after losing credit for his work
- Mission: Seeks to advance humanity through technology
- Appearance: Features mechanical limbs and a third arm with laser
- Personality: Logical, methodical, devoted to technological advancement
- Notable Relationships: Created Blitzcrank, rivalry with Jayce
Viktor continues his work in Zaun, promoting technological advancement while maintaining complex relationships with both cities' residents.
[Images retained in original positions]
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