League of Legends v1.0.0.143 - Zyra Update and Stealth Rework
Here's a concise, valuable rewrite focusing on the key changes in V1.0.0.143:
New Champion: Zyra, Rise of the Thorns
- Passive: Transforms into a plant upon death for one final shot
- Q (Deadly Bloom): Creates damaging thorn explosion
- W (Rampant Growth): Plants seeds that transform into combat plants
- E (Grasping Roots): Roots and damages enemies in line
- R (Stranglethorns): AOE knockup and plant enhancement

Zyra, plant sorceress with thorny vines
Major Champion Updates:
Evelynn Rework:
- New stealth mechanics
- Redesigned abilities focusing on burst damage
- Updated ultimate with shield mechanics
Twitch Rework:
- Improved stealth mechanics
- Enhanced poison-based abilities
- New ultimate mechanics
Xin Zhao Update:
- New passive challenge system
- Improved ability synergies
- Updated ultimate with knockback mechanics
Key System Changes:
Matchmaking Improvements:
- Better level 30 vs. sub-30 matching
- Improved premade group matching
- Limited duo queue pairs per team
- Better high-skill player matching
Notable Champion Balance Changes:
- Kassadin: Riftwalk damage adjusted
- Malzahar: AI and ability improvements
- Morgana: Black Shield range increased
- Orianna: Ability power ratios buffed
Item Updates:
- Various gold generation items now track earnings
- Health and regeneration adjustments
- Improved item tooltips

Wildfire Zyra Splash Art

Cassiopeia in gold mythic outfit

Lee Sin performs Muay Thai kick

Dr. Mundo Rageborn skin splash art
General Updates:
- Improved reconnection system
- Enhanced spectator mode features
- Increased tower vision range
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
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