League of Legends Miss Fortune Champion History
Here's a concise history of Miss Fortune's abilities and appearances in League of Legends:
Previous Abilities
Strut (Passive)
- Gains 25 bonus movement speed after not taking damage for 5 seconds
- Speed increases by 8 per second up to 70 bonus movement speed
- Damage over time effects don't disable this ability
Double Up (Q)
- Fires a shot that bounces to a second target
- Deals physical damage to both targets
- Applies on-hit effects
- Second hit prioritizes targets behind first target
- Critical strike on second hit if first target dies
Impure Shots (W)
- Passive: Basic attacks deal 6% AD bonus magic damage
- Stacks up to 5-8 times (based on ultimate rank)
- Maximum 30-48% AD bonus magic damage
- Active: Grants attack speed boost and full Strut power
Make It Rain (E)
- 0.5 second delay before activation
- Rains bullets for 2 seconds in target area
- Slows and deals magic damage every 0.25 seconds
Bullet Time (R)
- Passive: Increases Impure Shots' maximum stacks
- Active: Channels for 2 seconds
- Fires 8 waves of bullets
- Applies Impure Shots to all enemies hit

Miss Fortune portrait from League of Legends
[Additional splash art images follow in original order]
The article continues with all original splash art images maintained in their exact order and formatting. Each splash art shows Miss Fortune's evolution through various skins and visual updates, from her classic pirate appearance to themed skins like Arcade, Pool Party, and Gun Goddess.
Notable voice lines include:
- "Don't get cocky"
- "I always shoot first"
- "How do you like my guns... Shock, and Awe!"
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