League of Legends: Gavid, The Cancelled Plant King Champion

League of Legends: Gavid, The Cancelled Plant King Champion

By Marcus Chen

December 7, 2024 at 07:05 PM

Gavid, also known as The Plant King, was a cancelled champion concept for League of Legends. Born as a tiny sprout near the Demacian Empire, he grew into a powerful plant entity in fertile soil.

His story revolves around seeking vengeance against humans who destroyed his plant kingdom and family. After witnessing Demacian foresters cutting down his forest companions for firewood, Gavid joined the Immortal war to exact revenge.

The champion was ultimately cancelled as he didn't align with the game's artistic direction. His cancellation was officially confirmed during the 2010 Harrowing map skin for Summoner's Rift, where his coffin appeared alongside other cancelled champions Averdrian and Tabu.


Passive: Vine Generation

  • Spawns inheritvines randomly within a small area every 2 seconds
  • Thorns passive deals damage to melee attackers

Active Abilities:

  1. Animate Thornspitter
  • Transforms an inheritvine into a Thornspitter plant
  • Deals damage to nearby enemies
  • 200 HP, 2 Armor, Magic Immune
  • Lasts 30 seconds
  1. Animate Entangler
  • Transforms an inheritvine into roots
  • Entangles and damages nearby enemies (50 damage per second)
  1. Animate Vitalis
  • Creates a healing plant from an inheritvine
  • Heals nearby allies every 3 seconds
  • 100 HP, lasts 20 seconds
  1. Entrench
  • Roots Gavid to heal portion of max health
  • Generates 7 extra inheritvines
  • Increases vine generation
  • Affects all inheritvines in medium area


  • Animate Vitalis icon was later used for Crest of Nature's Fury buff
  • Animate Entangler icon was repurposed for Baron Nashor's Tentacle Knockup
  • Champion concept similar to Zyra, though developed independently

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