League of Legends: Everything You Need to Know About Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV: Champion Overview
Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia, is a versatile melee fighter who excels at initiating team fights and locking down priority targets.
Key Abilities:
- Martial Cadence (Passive): Basic attacks deal bonus physical damage based on the target's current health
- Dragon Strike (Q): Extends lance to deal damage and reduce armor, can combo with flag for knockup
- Golden Aegis (W): Slows nearby enemies and grants a shield that increases per champion hit
- Demacian Standard (E): Throws a flag that grants attack speed to nearby allies
- Cataclysm (R): Leaps to target enemy champion, creating impassable terrain around them
Combat Style:
- Excels at initiating fights with EQ combo
- Strong ganking potential with flag-and-drag combo
- Can lock down priority targets with ultimate
- Provides team utility through armor shred and attack speed buff
Core Strengths:
- Powerful early game ganks
- Strong team fight initiation
- Flexible build paths (can go damage or tank)
- Good mix of damage and utility
Primary Role: Jungle Secondary Role: Top Lane Damage Type: Physical
Purchase Cost:
- 3150 Blue Essence
- 790 RP
Jarvan IV is particularly effective at initiating team fights and ganking lanes with his signature EQ combo, making him a reliable pick for both solo queue and competitive play. His versatile kit allows him to be built either as a damage dealer or tank, adapting to team needs.

Jarvan IV
Note: Abilities and stats are subject to change with game updates.
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