League of Legends: Complete Skarner Champion Guide & History
Crystal Spires are an integral part of Skarner's gameplay mechanics in League of Legends. These structures spawn at specific locations across the battlefield, including near Baron Nashor's pit, Dragon's pit, and both buff camps. Teams can capture spires by standing on them for 2 seconds, granting vision and temporary lockout from recapture.
When near allied Crystal Spires, Skarner gains Crystal Charge, providing:
- 70-120 bonus movement speed (based on level)
- 43-160% bonus attack speed (based on level)
- 1% maximum mana regeneration every 0.5 seconds
Core Abilities:
Crystal Slash (Q)
- Deals physical damage to nearby enemies
- Empowered casts deal bonus magic damage
- Basic attacks reduce cooldown
Crystalline Exoskeleton (W)
- Grants shield for 6 seconds
- Provides movement speed bonus that doubles over 3 seconds
Fracture (E)
- Launches crystal energy dealing magic damage
- Slows enemies hit for 2.5 seconds
- Marks targets with Crystal Venom
Impale (R)
- Suppresses and drags target champion
- Deals physical and magic damage
- Reveals target during effect

Crystal Skarner, scorpion-like League champion

Skarner in Sandscourge champion skin

Crystal scorpion in green forest

Robotic scorpion with glowing red eye

Guardian of the Sands Skarner skin

Cosmic Sting Skarner splash art

Purple scorpion monster with glowing eyes
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