League of Legends: Complete Guide to Corki Champion
Corki is a ranged marksman champion in League of Legends who excels at dealing mixed damage through his unique abilities and auto-attacks.
His key abilities include:
Passive (Hextech Munitions): Basic attacks deal bonus true damage equal to 20% AD
Q (Phosphorus Bomb): Launches an explosive that deals magic damage and reveals enemies
W (Valkyrie): Dashes forward while leaving burning trails that deal magic damage
E (Gatling Gun): Rapid-fire cone attack that reduces enemy armor and magic resistance
R (Missile Barrage): Fires missiles that deal physical damage, with every third missile being a stronger "Big One"
Key strengths:
- Strong poke damage through missiles
- Mixed damage output (physical, magic, true damage)
- Good mobility with Valkyrie
- Strong mid-game power spike
Key weaknesses:
- Relies heavily on items/gold
- Limited early game presence
- Vulnerable when abilities are on cooldown
- Requires good positioning
Best played in mid lane as an AD carry, building items like Trinity Force, Manamune, and crit items. Excels at sieging objectives and poking enemies from range.

Yordle pilot with aviator goggles
For optimal play:
- Use missiles to harass in lane
- Save Valkyrie for escapes
- Weave auto-attacks between abilities
- Position safely in teamfights
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