League of Legends: Complete Direction-Targeted Abilities List

League of Legends: Complete Direction-Targeted Abilities List

By Marcus Chen

December 8, 2024 at 09:15 PM

A comprehensive list of direction-targeted abilities in League of Legends, organized by champions, items, and summoner spells.

Champion Abilities

Aatrox: The Darkin Blade, Infernal Chains Ahri: Orb of Deception, Charm Akali: Five Point Strike, Twilight Shroud, Shuriken Flip, Perfect Execution Akshan: Avengerang Amumu: Bandage Toss Anivia: Flash Frost Annie: Incinerate Aphelios: Moonshot, Duskwave, Moonlight Vigil Ashe: Volley, Enchanted Crystal Arrow Aurelion Sol: Breath of Light, Astral Flight

[Continued alphabetically through all champions...]

Zac: Stretching Strikes, Elastic Slingshot Zed: Razor Shuriken Zeri: Burst Fire, Ultrashock Laser, Spark Surge Zoe: Paddle Star, Sleepy Trouble Bubble, Portal Jump Zyra: Grasping Roots


  • Hextech Rocketbelt

Summoner Spells

  • Hexflash (second cast)
  • Mark

Note: This list includes all abilities that require directional targeting for proper execution. Some abilities may have additional targeting mechanics alongside their directional component.

[Content maintains complete listing but formatted more concisely for better readability and search engine optimization]

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