League of Legends Character Guide: Aatrox the Darkin Blade

League of Legends Character Guide: Aatrox the Darkin Blade

By Marcus Chen

March 3, 2025 at 08:10 AM

Aatrox is an ancient Darkin warrior, once a noble defender of Shurima who was corrupted after facing the horrors of the Void. Originally one of the Ascended God-Warriors, he was later imprisoned within his own weapon during the Great Darkin War.

Now freed but forever trapped in his sword, Aatrox sustains himself by possessing and transforming mortal hosts who try to wield his blade. He seeks to bring about total oblivion to end his tormented existence.

Key attributes:

  • Former Ascended warrior of Shurima
  • One of the first and most powerful Darkin
  • Trapped within his sword by ancient sorcery
  • Possesses mortal hosts to maintain physical form
  • Master of hemomancy (blood magic)
  • Killed the celestial Aspect of War
  • Seeks to destroy all existence

Notable relationships:

  • Allied with other Darkin like Rhaast, Varus, and Naafiri
  • Bitter rivalry with Xolaani over her use of blood magic
  • Deep hatred for the Aspects who imprisoned him
  • Defeated the twins Kayle and Morgana
  • Nearly killed Tryndamere and his clan

Aatrox maintains his imposing warrior form through hemomancy, growing stronger by consuming the flesh and blood of his enemies. Though once noble, he now sees mortal life as insignificant in his quest for oblivion.

The images show Aatrox's demonic appearance with his signature great sword and wings, as well as scenes from his battles and encounters across Runeterra.

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