League of Legends Champions Overview: Taric
Taric is a versatile support champion in League of Legends who excels at protecting and empowering allies. Here's a comprehensive overview of his abilities and playstyle:
Core Abilities:
- Bravado (Passive)
- After casting abilities, empowers next two basic attacks
- Deals bonus magic damage based on armor
- Reduces ability cooldowns
- Grants attack speed
- Starlight's Touch (Q)
- Heals Taric and nearby allies
- Scales with AP and maximum health
- Stores charges that can be expended
- Empowered attacks grant additional charges
- Bastion (W)
- Creates a tether with an allied champion
- Grants bonus armor to both Taric and ally
- Provides a shield
- Allows abilities to be cast from both positions
- Dazzle (E)
- Projects a beam that stuns enemies
- Deals magic damage
- Can be cast from both Taric and tethered ally
- Grants ghosting during windup
- Cosmic Radiance (Ultimate)
- After 2.5 seconds, grants invulnerability
- Affects Taric and nearby allies
- Lasts 2.5 seconds
- Powerful teamfight ability
Key Strengths:
- Excellent protective support
- Strong crowd control
- Versatile healing and shielding
- Game-changing ultimate
- Scales well with armor

Taric, armored knight with blue crystals
Note: All statistics and numbers mentioned are subject to change with game updates.
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