League of Legends Champion Teemo Guide: History & Abilities
A complete and comprehensive guide for Teemo, a ranged champion in League of Legends. This cunning yordle scout excels at guerrilla warfare and map control.
Core Abilities:
Guerrilla Warfare (Passive)
- Gains invisibility after standing still for 1.5 seconds
- Breaking stealth grants 20-80% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds
- Can move while stealthed in brush
Blinding Dart (Q)
- Shoots a dart that deals magic damage and blinds target
- Blind duration: 1.5-2.5 seconds
- Double duration against minions/monsters
Move Quick (W)
- Passive: Gains movement speed when not damaged
- Active: Doubles movement speed bonus for 3 seconds
- Movement speed: 10-30%
Toxic Shot (E)
- Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and poison
- Poison deals magic damage over 4 seconds
- Deals 150% damage to monsters
Noxious Trap (R)
- Places invisible mushroom traps that last 5 minutes
- Detonates on enemy contact, dealing damage and slowing
- Can bounce off other mushrooms
- Stores up to 3 charges
Key Stats:
- Range: 500
- Resource: Mana
- Role: Marksman/Support
- Difficulty: Medium

Teemo from League of Legends
This champion excels at:
- Map control with mushroom traps
- Harassing enemies with poison damage
- Scouting with stealth abilities
- Denying vision with guerrilla tactics
The mobile scout brings utility through slows, blinds and map control while dealing consistent damage through his auto-attacks and poison abilities.
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