League of Legends Champion Spotlight: Twitch, the Plague Rat

League of Legends Champion Spotlight: Twitch, the Plague Rat

By Marcus Chen

November 20, 2024 at 12:35 PM

Twitch is a marksman-assassin champion in League of Legends who excels at dealing sustained damage with his poison abilities and stealth mechanics.

The Deadly Venom passive allows his basic attacks to stack poison damage on enemies, dealing true damage over time. His kit includes:

Ambush (Q): Grants camouflage and movement speed, followed by attack speed when breaking stealth. The cooldown resets when poisoned enemies die.

Venom Cask (W): Throws a cask that slows enemies and applies poison stacks in an area.

Contaminate (E): Deals physical and magic damage to nearby poisoned enemies based on number of Deadly Venom stacks.

Spray and Pray (R): Grants bonus attack damage and range, making basic attacks pierce through enemies in a line.

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Twitch, League of Legends plague rat

Twitch, League of Legends plague rat

Twitch excels at assassinating targets from stealth while building up poison stacks, then using Contaminate for burst damage. His ultimate allows him to deal massive AoE damage in teamfights while staying at a safe distance.

Recent changes focused on balancing his poison damage, stealth mechanics, and ultimate piercing damage to maintain his unique identity while keeping him fair to play against.

The champion costs 3150 BE or 790 RP to unlock and has difficulty rating of moderate. His adaptive damage type is physical.

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