League of Legends: Best Counter Picks Against Neeko Support
Neeko's main strengths come from her burst damage and crowd control abilities, particularly after reaching level 6. Here's how to effectively counter her in the support role:
Best Counters:
- Poppy - Strong disengage and tankiness
- Zilean - Ultimate negates burst damage
- Zyra - Outranges and controls space
- Janna - Superior disengage capabilities
- Yuumi - Can easily dodge abilities while attached
Lane Positioning Tips:
- Stay outside minion waves to avoid extended root duration from her E
- Position opposite to Neeko to make skillshots harder to land
- Maintain maximum distance to avoid burst combos
- Be extra cautious when she has Ultimate available
Strategic Counters:
- Ward flanks and bushes to prevent surprise engages
- Spread out during teamfights to minimize Ultimate impact
- Use disengage tools when she moves forward aggressively
- Track her Passive ability for potential disguised engages
Key Power Spikes to Watch:
- Level 2: Q+E combo becomes available
- Level 6: Ultimate adds significant kill pressure
- Early game: Strong trading potential with basic abilities
Most Vulnerable Against:
- Long-range poke
- Strong disengage
- Mobile champions
- Tanky supports
Remember to communicate Ultimate cooldown with your team and maintain vision control to prevent surprise engages. Focus on surviving early game trades and scale into mid-game teamfights where you can better counter her engage attempts.
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