Kassadin Mid Guide: Mastering the Void Walker from Early to Late Game
Kassadin scales incredibly well into the late game but struggles early on. With proper play and patience, he becomes one of the most potent burst mages in League of Legends.

Kassadin from League of Legends
Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Extremely weak and vulnerable to ganks
- Focus on safe farming and surviving
- Avoid unnecessary trades
- Maintain proper vision to prevent deaths
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Unlocks Riftwalk (R), gaining crucial mobility
- Level 9: Q ability maxed, increasing damage output
- Level 11: Second point in R, reducing cooldown
- Level 16: Maximum R rank, enabling frequent Riftwalk usage
Mid Game Strategy:
- Prioritize power farming for gold and XP
- Look for opportunistic roams after shoving lane
- Split push side lanes when ADC rotates mid
- Avoid unnecessary fights until item spikes
Late Game Dominance:
- Excellent burst damage potential
- Strong pick potential with R mobility
- Can one-shot squishy targets
- Excels at flanking in team fights
- Incredible late-game scaling
- High mobility post-6
- Strong snowball potential
- Excellent burst damage
- Weak early game
- Vulnerable to early ganks
- Struggles against all-in champions
- Needs time to scale
Key Tips:
- Play safe early and focus on CS
- Wait for power spikes before aggressive plays
- Use R wisely for both engagement and escape
- Look for picks in late game
- Capitalize on numbers advantage by securing objectives
Hard Matchups:
- Champions with early all-in potential
- Mobile champions with strong early game
- Lane bullies who can deny CS
- Teams with heavy early pressure
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