Kalista Champion Build Guide: Best Builds, Runes and Win Rates (15.4)
Starting with the most essential builds and strategies for Kalista in the current meta:
Most Popular Build (51.5% WR, 14,003 matches)
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Barrier
- Runes: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand + Sudden Impact, Treasure Hunter
- Core Items: Blade of The Ruined King > Berserker's Greaves > Guinsoo's Rageblade
- Full Build: Add Terminus, Jak'Sho The Protean, Wit's End
- Skill Order: E > Q > W
Key Tips:
- Use Ultimate (R) for engagement or saving your Support
- Hold Rend (E) until skirmish completion to maximize stack damage
- Utilize W for river vision control
Strong Matchups:
- Mel (56.3% WR)
- Zeri (52.4% WR)
- Varus (51.7% WR)
Counter Picks to Avoid:
- Swain (40.0% WR)
- Miss Fortune (42.0% WR)
- Smolder (42.3% WR)
Best Support Synergies:
- Senna (55.4% WR)
- Taric (52.5% WR)
- Thresh (51.6% WR)
Alternative Build (43.3% WR, 194 matches)
- Keystone: Press the Attack
- Core Items: Same as popular build
- Best when needing stronger early game trades
Off-Meta Build (58.3% WR, 156 matches)
- Core Items: Guinsoo's Rageblade > Berserker's Greaves > Blade of The Ruined King
- Final Items: Add Terminus, Jak'Sho, Runaan's Hurricane
- Consider for games requiring more AoE damage
Situational Adjustments:
- Take Armor/MR rune shards based on lane matchup
- Modify item build order depending on enemy team composition
- Adapt playstyle based on support synergy
Remember to always consider team compositions and matchup specifics when selecting your final build path.
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