Kai'Sa Guide: Complete Champion Overview & Build Path Analysis - Season 14

Kai'Sa Guide: Complete Champion Overview & Build Path Analysis - Season 14

By Marcus Chen

November 19, 2024 at 11:43 PM

Just the core passive ability and ultimate move to keep it focused on essential information needed by players.

Kai'Sa is a versatile marksman that can be played as an auto-attack based team fighter, assassin, or poke mage, making her a strong pick for skilled players.

Passive - Second Skin Normal attacks and abilities apply Plasma stacks (up to 4) on enemies for 4 seconds. Consuming 4 stacks deals bonus magic damage based on the target's maximum health. Different ways to apply stacks: - Auto attacks: 1 stack each - W ability: 2 stacks (3 when evolved) - Ally CC abilities: 2 stacks

Q - Icathian Salvo Launches 6 missiles at nearby enemies. Evolution at 100 bonus AD doubles missiles.

W - Void Seeker Long-range skillshot dealing magic damage. Evolution at 100 AP adds extra Plasma stack and reduces cooldown.

E - Supercharge Grants movement speed and attack speed boost. Evolution at 100% bonus attack speed adds brief invisibility.

R - Killer Instinct Allows Kai'Sa to dash to any Plasma-marked champion within range, gaining a shield on arrival. Can be cast while using other abilities.

Core Build Path: - Starting: Doran's Blade + Health Potion - Core: Kraken Slayer, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge - Situational: Blade of the Ruined King, Wit's End, Zhonya's Hourglass

Key Tips: - Prioritize Q evolution first for waveclear and damage - Use ultimate defensively or to follow up on ally CC - Combine abilities to quickly stack Plasma - Adapt build path based on team composition

Choose item builds that enable desired ability evolutions while countering enemy team composition.

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