Jhin: Complete ADC Champion Guide - The Virtuoso's Path to Victory
The Virtuoso Jhin is a unique ADC characterized by his fixed four-shot magazine and 2-second reload time. As a lane bully, he compensates for his limited shots with powerful burst damage and guaranteed critical hits on his fourth shot.
Core Abilities Overview
Dancing Grenade (Q)
- Primary laning ability
- Bounces to up to 3 additional targets
- Each kill increases damage by 35%
Deadly Flourish (W)
- Long-range catch potential
- Marks enemies damaged by Jhin or allies
- Root duration: 1-2 seconds on marked targets
Captive Audience (E)
- Placeable traps that mark enemies
- Deals magic damage on explosion
- Ideal for brush control and choke points
Curtain Call (R)
- Channel ability with four shots
- 60° firing angle
- Fourth shot guarantees critical hit
- Reveals and slows hit enemies
- Bonus damage based on missing health
Optimal Skill Order
- Prioritize Q (Dancing Grenade) for damage and waveclear
- Max W second for increased root duration (up to 2 seconds)
- Single point in E at level 4 for utility
- Level R whenever possible
Build Path
Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade
- Health Potion
Core Items:
- Galeforce
- The Collector
- Infinity Edge
- Lord Dominik's Regards
Alternative Options:
- Bloodthirster (for sustain)
- Guardian Angel (defensive)
- Rapid Firecannon (range extension)
Key Strategy Jhin excels at burst damage and executing low-health targets with his fourth shot. Use Q for waveclear and trading, W for catch potential, and E for zone control. Ultimate is most effective for picking off fleeing enemies or initiating teamfights from a safe distance.
[Note: Original article mentioned images but none were provided in the content to maintain]
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