Jayce Top Build Guide: Best Runes, Items and Matchups (Patch 14.23)
Jayce Top is a ranged champion who excels at poking enemies and creating pressure in lane. Currently holding a 48.4% win rate across 9,108 matches in Emerald+ rank.
Core Build:
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Teleport
- Starting Items: Long Sword, Refillable Potion
- Core Items: Eclipse > Ionian Boots of Lucidity > Manamune
- Final Items: Serylda's Grudge, Edge of Night, Guardian Angel
- Skill Order: Q > W > E
Optimal Runes:
- Primary: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand
- Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Magical Footwear
- Shards: Adaptive Force (2x), Health Scaling
Strong Against:
- Smolder (57.4% WR)
- Sylas (55.3% WR)
- Swain (52.0% WR)
Weak Against:
- Tahm Kench (40.4% WR)
- Cho'Gath (41.4% WR)
- Poppy (42.3% WR)
Key Tips:
- Abuse your range advantage by consistently poking enemies
- Save mana for E to maintain escape options
- Poke with Q before committing to all-in fights
- Look for short trades rather than extended duels
Alternative Build:
- Keystone: First Strike
- Core Items: Same as standard build
- Final Item: Replace Guardian Angel with Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Current Performance: 46.1% WR over 1,151 matches
Best Synergies:
- Volibear (52.6% WR)
- Rammus (52.4% WR)
- Bel'Veth (51.5% WR)
Remember to adjust your build based on matchups and team compositions. Consider defensive items against burst damage or healing reduction against sustain-heavy opponents.
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